Wednesday, September 20, 2017


REINTEGRATION OF AGE GROUPS That rushing rashness that typifies impetuous youth may be tempered and mediated best by timely, calm interjections of aged experience. It is more commonly known simply as seasoned, adult, practical wisdom . Blessed are those who are careful enough to seek it out from those elders who are blessed to give it . To improve the conduct of today's pubescent youth, therefore, who have been, far too often, raised up isolated from such elders well into physical maturity, while segregated into peer group pods, ever away from the rich, practical wisdom of their elders, I would now urge our immediate integration of isolated age/peer groups pods in as many normal daily activities as is feasible: whether it is work, play, social, planning, religious, educational, or business! In that way, vital social, moral, ethical skills are transferred from one generation to the next and respect for time and place are reestablished by natural accretion. This joy of reintegration works both ways. Elders are easily reinfused with the dynamics of youthful adventurism and audacity, while our youth are sedulously insinuated into the precious ways and means of appropriate entire group values , interaction, wisdom, conducive to their futures as parents and elders!