Tuesday, September 19, 2017


LEGAL WHITE SUPREMACY "White" supremacy in America is legal. It and its concomitants--blacks' and others' inferiority--have been kept in place, primarily by carefully codified rules of "law." This law consists of : white-supremacy-supporting, judge-made common-law; federal, state, and local statutory law and regulatory law. These laws make a great pretense of being objectively and facially neutral. But, in fact, are nothing but pretexts to perpetuate enforcement of white supremacy. There are, as importantly, multiple overlapping layers of taxpayers'-funded political regimes of legal enforcement. These include local police, state national guards, and the federal military itself as a final enforcement resort. These feed a judicial system which claims to be fair and unbiased, but which is not, but which is designed to further effectuate its white supremacy. There is also a type of terrorism, historically, whereby permissive extraordinary "white deputies'" citizenship rights of paramilitary enforcement, were implicitly (and explicitly) sanctioned, whom the law tacitly shielded and protected , to the maximum extent possible, without appearing to do so, to support the legal infrastructure of apical American white supremacy.