Sunday, March 31, 2019


SELLING US OUT IN DISGUISE I have gained some insight into why African Americans lost so much, so soon, after winning their freedom in the Civil War and in Reconstruction. It seems that the answer is found in money and influence for its leaders. I draw these personal conclusions from reading a biography of one of the most successful and important of such leaders, LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MARTIN R. DELANY by Frank A. Rollin (1883). Recruiters of black troops in the Civil War were paid expenses and bounties for the fulfillment of various state numerical quotas. A rich prospect was the payment for recruitment of blacks with little or no guidance. Guidelines. Oversight. Rollin writes: "Orders at this time were sent to him concerning a change about to be made in relation to the pay and recruiting of the men, which, while it would have resulted in increasing his own pay, would have greatly reduced the bounty--twenty-two dollars a man. To this proposed injustice he instantly refused to lend his influence. And he soon received a telegram to the effect that he was relieved...with a loss of about three thousand dollars to himself. "He immediately went west, and opened an independent recruiting station, witnessing , he says, 'with unutterable disgust, the hateful mercenary recruiting trade of selling men in the highest market, and denounced them, whether black or white.' "The legitimate quotas in a few country districts of Western Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio , he aided in filling, 'persistently refusing ', he says, 'the offers made for men, by a class who prowled the country under various names and pretended military titles, with a shudder and a scout, despising the man who would sell his brethren for a price.' So great were his fears lest imposition or intrigue be practiced on the men , and his promise be made void, that he invariably accompanied them to their destination . ... "He writes of it, 'Great was the consternation produced among 'government agents' there ;[Tennessee, Mississippi , Georgia] and such were the offers made to me by parties for 'partnership, division of profits and the like' , that I was constrained to have on one hand but the one answer for all . Gentlemen, I have an honorable appointment. I cannot and will not sell my brethren for a price, nor my birthright for a mess of pottage." P. 86-88. This propensity to "sell out" under the guise of helping us out as been a bane of our 'black' existence for a very long time by black and white!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

THE ENNEADS, Plotinus, "Matter"

If time and matter are both outside of the essence of God, being what some philosophers, claim to be as illusions for the benefit of illusions; then nothing exists, nothing is, but God: nothing exists but God which we can but know only inferentially. But working the inference faithfully, I quote Plotinus: "The reason, then, of the immutability of Matter is that the entrant principle neither possesses nor is possessed by it. Consider. as an example, the mode in which an opinion or representation is present in the mind: there is no admixture; the notion that came goes in time, still integrally itself alone, taking nothing with it, leaving nothing after it, because it has not blended with the mind; there is New International Version For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." 'outside' in the sense of contact broken, and the distinction between base and entrant is patent not to the senses but to the reason.... "Matter --feebler far than the Soul for any exercise of power, and possessing no phase of Authentic-Existents, not even in possession of its own falsity--lacks the very means of manifesting itself, utter void as it is; it becomes the means by which other things appear, but it cannot announce its own presence. Penetrating thought may arrive at, discriminating it from Authentic -Existents; then it is discerned as something abandoned by all that really is, by even the dimmest semblants of being, as a thing dragged towards every shape and property and appearing to follow--yet in fact not even following." P. 207, "The impassivity of the Unembodied," THE ENNEADS by Plotinus (1991)

Friday, March 29, 2019


FERAL AND LESS FERAL WHITE AMERICANS The "conservative" feral segment of "white" American politicians has usually defeated that less-feral segment of "white" politicians at most major junctions of colonial, territorial and American history . I make reference to crossing the Alleghenies, despite Indian-British Treaty confining Europeans to their east . I make reference to the courts' lack of enforcement of U.S. Constitution equal protections and due process. I make reference to failed monetary restitution of thousands of black depositors savings by Congress, after Wall Street sharpies had mulcted the Freedmen Savings Bank, whose thefts were expedited by Congress' loosened investment guidelines for freedmens' deposits. I make reference to failed attempts to make repayments of monetary reparations to African Americans for raging economic and political regressions of racism, Jim Crow, on black self-determination efforts that led to white terrorists' violence in : 1898 in Wilmington , North Carolina; Memphis, Tennessee; Atlanta, Georgia, 1906; E. St. Louis, Illinois , in 1917; many other cities in the "Red Summer" of 1919-1923. I may reference to the formation of black ghettos, consequent to mass migrations down to today in 2019, and to the deleterious impact on health, education, welfare, labor, property, morality, and happiness. Less feral white Americans have been most successful when blacks have come to their rescue, like in the Civil War, in the Revolutionary War, as was the case in the War of 1812; the so-called Indian Wars out West with the Buffalo Soldiers ; and in both World Wars. Feral whites had resisted black enlistment and participating as recruits or officers. Feral whites elected Donald Trump. Less feral whites need to apply true history of American "democracy" to the republic for which it "stands, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all," as it is written!

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Daddy was raised on a family-owned farm in Mississippi, attending a rural school and church with his parents and his eight siblings. Therefore, in lacking a "formal " education, he learned from nature around him and applied it to life. I learned many things from Daddy from the highest, God, to the lowest, man, and to everything between by analogy.

Sunday, March 24, 2019


"The Egyptian language was st one time classified as a non-African tongue. Scholars claimed that it belonged to a Middle Eastern family called Semitic. This position, however, was publicly refuted once and for all. In 1974 UNESCO called the now historic conference , the Cairo Symposium. UNESCO's aim was to sponsor the writhing of an authentic history of Africa but the ancient Egyptians and their place in African history was a major sticking point. Twenty of the world 's leading Egyptologists participated, including Professor Cheikh Anta Diop and Professor Theophile Obenga. The two Africans presented a mass of linguistic comparisons between Egyptian and Wolof (Senegalese), and Egyptian and Bantu languages. It was generally agreed among the participants that the Egyptian language was indeed an indigenous African tongue related to other African languages. "Moreover, the Semitic or Afro-Semitic language group did not, however, originate in the Middle East, as is popularly believed. Joseph Greenberg , a linguist of great distinction , demonstrated that their true origins were in Ethiopia. Ethiopia and Eritrea has the largest number of Semitic languages spoken today such as Tigrinia and Amharic... "It has always been a puzzle to us how Dr. Greenberg located the parent of Semitic in the highlands of Ethiopia. We have an idea that he derived this view from Herodotus. Herodotus reported, as we shall see in the next chapter, reported that the Phoenicians (a Semitic speaking people), 'according to their own account) originated in Eritrea before migrating to the Middle East. Eritrea is, of course, next door to Ethiopia. "Many modern writers have vented their anger against Herodotus for recording data such as this. Furthermore, they have taken particular exception to the Father of History describing the Egyptians as having black skins and woolly hair, as contained in Book II, section 104 of his 'The Histories.' P. 268-269, "The Egyptian Question," WHEN WE RULED by Robin Walker (2006)


"WEALTH" IS HAVING ENOUGH "Wealth" and "enough" differ largely in their conception and perception. The main difference between the two concepts being that excess is deemed wealth and adequacy is just enough. In the personal sense, if one already has "enough," but no "excess," of food, clothing, shelter, safety, children, education, friends, love, hope, income, health, spousal support , information , happiness, entertainment , spiritual nurture, ambition, exercise , travel , respect of self and respect of others, all of which are to be greatly admired, desired, then, that which is possessed by many people, right now, is wealth, is enough! Enough is wealth! Excess is often problematic . One must figure out where to store the excess, or how to dispose of the excess. Sitting on a beach sipping cool drinks all day may appeal to some, but it would bore me stiff. Work is an essential part of life. It affords personal definition as much as it provides income and security. The point being that work is not the bad thing , the drudgery, that it is so often shown to be, said to be, whether one works in the home, school, a job, in one's own business or other. Next time you hear "wealth," think "enough," and give thanks to God that your personal "enough" is already accounted to be "wealthy!" by God. New International Version as it is written: "The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little." 2 Cor. 2:18 Just thinking out loud. Your own thoughts are welcome , invited.

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Ancient Africans invented reading and writing, astronomy. religion, music, science, mathematics--civilization--being the first homo sapiens, from whom all other humans descended. These incontestable facts should inspire and embarrass all African American non-readers/writers/researchers who are content merely to subsist, exist, among us without more! Even African slaves learned to read, write, cipher, when it was illegal--often fatal--to do so.


Bundling historic "white racism" against blacks with other "isms," issues , fetishes , is historical bungling; for the matter of race is the base of American history, not the rest.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


SEEDS ARE US By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman Thursday, March 21, 2019 Seeds are us. Seeds are representative of us. Seeds are the divinity, the innate capacities that is in each of us to be, whatever we were each, were all, foreordained to be by the grace of God. Seeds like humans are not self-executing, however. Seeds and humans must be properly “raised.” Seeds must have fertile soil, water, space, sunlight, oxygen, just like mankind. Seeds can be wrongly cast on rocky, barren soil. Seeds can be deprived of life-giving, life-sustaining water. Seeds can planted too close together, be too-bunched together, be denied adequate space to stretch out, reach out and grow, free of entanglement. Seeds can be denied sunlight from which radiation comes, from which irradiation ensues. Seeds can be deprived of oxygen the essence of life, the sine qua non of life on earth. On rare occasions, there are so-called “bad seeds” that either won’t grow, or won’t grow right! Usually, this has more to do with environmental conditions deprivations, than defective content of the seeds.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


True! many Christians are cons, having suborned ancient African religion, even as they have suborned our true African history, but it is self-defeating for us, to "throw out the baby with the bath water," in either regard, due to subornation! Subornation of untruths expedites subornation of me or you.


ON A BEACH IN MOZAMBIQUE One night, while our tour group was sitting in chairs, in a circle, around a glowing fire, at an Indian Ocean beach resort, a mere 500 yards from yet-apartheid Republic of South Africa--in Ponta da Uro , Mozambique--a Marxist-leaning, colored, college professor had angrily, even aggressively, asked: me, "Who made you God?" This was his bold, if melodramatic, attempt to justify himself before his like-minded colleagues, who had earlier quarreled with me over the expediency of the King James Bible that they had not even deigned to read, but which I had just finished reading, after two years in 1983. I do not now recall my particular riposte; but I did reply. I might have said that God made me, made us, in God's "own likeness and image" unless, of course, you had all made yourselves. I might have cited Psalm 82:6 or another scripture. What I know that I did do, was to pick up my bag and walk, back to my hotel room, rather than remain, needlessly arguing with people who needed more my teaching, than my censure. In walking back, I felt the soft sand beneath my feet; I heard the ocean's roar as it rolled in from the deep, and felt its salty breeze. I looked up, marveling at the black, bejeweled sky, whose infinite, luminous stars, outshone the fading, tour group's campfire : then said to myself: "Oh Lord, my God, how great thou art!"


EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING Which flower does God favor over all? Which leaf? Which bird or fish? This crass question answers itself, even as it begs the question itself, plainly. God is God. Therefore there are no favorites with God . There is just what is . What it is is what it is! We are here. That fact speaks to our innate habitability, suitability, amenability, for this space, time. After that, the rest is acclimation , assimilation, accommodation to it. It being short hand for everything . Indeed, everything is everything with God. No first, last, between. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


BLACK COMMUNITY SALT LICKS "Black community" as used @ 2019 parlance is more of a concept , more of an idea, than it is a place, anywhere lived in, or habituated by, any "black" people, predominantly. Starting with "black", African tribes had no consciousness of the term, as applied to themselves. They conceived of themselves as being members of thousands of tribes with distinct languages, histories, cultures, land unique to the tribes. The cognomen "black" was an apt , practical characterization of them. Inside their efficient dark skins was deposited a "rouge," a dark red pigment, melanin. "Black" was a perfected color image imposed by a long succession of foreign rulers, conquerors, explorers, officials, enslavers, traders, writers, priests, dating back to 525 BC, with the Assyrians, who overran Egypt after the 25th dynasty. This precipitated Egypt's fall from tens of thousands of years of world dominance and glory that led to hundreds of years of mass migration from the Nile Valley Civilizations to the broader continent that later was to become known as "Africa," a north Roman province, on the Mediterranean. Though Egypt (Kemet) had fallen the magnitude of its brilliance has radiated for centuries since . For example, Alexander of Macedonia, went to the Oracle of Delphi in 332 BC in Kilwa, the western Egyptian desert, for coronation, validation and justification as ruler of Egypt. Later Greeks and Romans based their new religion, "Christianity" on the detritus of ancient Egyptians' creation myths, parables, proverbs and deposited these transcriptions into the Bible, as transmitted to us. Centuries later black Africans were transshipped abroad by Muslims, from the 8th century, later joined by Western Europeans in the 15th century, until 1860, in North and South America and islands. That roughly 2,000 year period is focal. From tribal back to global black people can become again with an accurate historical knowledge and understanding of spiritual morality. History is the salt lick, a mineral lick, of mankind. Knowledge of true history is as stabilizing as any vital nutrient to our bodies, whether personal, local, national. Many African Americans think their history began in North America in slavery. They don't know it began in Africa in glory, except superficially. But with but a little bit of historical mineral-salt licks would fortify their souls, bodies, families, community, with renewed energy to regenerate!

Monday, March 18, 2019


ORGANIZED BY GRACE OF GOD Volition . "Involition." Evolution . Devolution. Four modes of known mundane organization exist readily. There must be more beyond our present human conception, surely . Volition is applied consciousness. "Involuton" is opposite to volition. Evolution is building up from base. Devolution is opposite to evolution. These four are/ were observable in nature. Volition is a government. Involition is an ant hill. Evolution is civilization. Devolution is savagery . Everything accedes to organization of some kind, one of the four kinds. Chaos is organized, science says, as described by blast, fire , flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, etc.; nothing is free-floating , apart from organizational dictates that are eminent in its material essence. "Little Bo Peet has lost his sheep and doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone. They will come home , wagging their tails behind them." It describes being organized. They know what home is and they know the way home. What is true in the nursery rhyme is true for all else, including African Americans who have been greatly "scattered and peeled" from their base, to another land, language, culture, lifestyle, form of religion, relation to temporal power, family, perception, conception, ethics, law, conscience, consciousness, diet. Yet, as social media unwittingly shows daily, they share communal consensus on many issues despite not knowing each other except by an expressions of ideas by words , memes, images, music , dance, gestures, other variable nuances. They, we, have become essentially organized as a potent social, political, economic force without consciously trying to do so in the United States of America, without seeking to become organized as such! Volitional attempts failed. So involition held sway. Then evolution stepped in ratcheting up involition . Until now devolution takes charge, placing us where we are today in 2019. We achieved all of this in 400 years, a blink in the eye in history, in line with the prophesy of Genesis 15: 12-15. We did all of this by the grace of God, despite having been daily discouraged by overwhelming opposition, within and without the race, across all imposed parietal, tribal, membranes that divided our all-too-oblivious African ancestors.


IN PRAISE OF USEFUL HISTORY "[T]he acquisition of a knowledge of history is of the greatest utility for every conceivable circumstance of life. For it endows the young with the wisdom of the aged, while for the old it multiplies the experience which they already possess; citizens in private station it qualifies for leadership; and the leaders it incites, through the immortality of glory which it confers, to undertake the noblest deeds; soldiers, again, it makes more ready to face dangers in defense of their country because of the public encomiums which they will receive after death , and wicked men it turns aside from their impulse towards evil through the everlasting opprobrium to which it will condemn them. "2. In general, then, it is because of that commemoration of goodly deeds which history accords men that some of them have been induced to become the founders of cities , that others have been led to introduce laws which encompass man's social life with security, and that many have aspired to discover new sciences and arts in order to benefit the race of men. And since complete happiness can be attained only through the combination of all these activities, the foremost need of praise must be awarded to that which more than any other thing is the cause of them, that is, history. For we must look upon it as constituting the guardian of the high achievements of illustrious men, the witness which testifies to the evil deeds of the wicked, and the benefactor of the entire human race. For if it is true that the myths that are related about Hades, in spite of the fact that their subject matter is fictitious , contribute greatly to fostering piety and justice, among men, how much more must we assume that history, the prophetess of truth, she who is, as it were , the mother-city of philosophy as a whole, is still more potent to equip men's characters for noble living ! ... "For whereas all other memorials abide for a brief time, being continually destroyed by many vicissitudes , yet the power of history which extends over the whole inhabited world, possesses in time, which brings ruins on all things else, a custodian which ensures its perpetual transmission to posterity . "History also contributes to the power of speech, and a nobler thing than that may not easily be found. For it is this that makes the Greeks superior to the barbarians, and the educated to the uneducated and, furthermore, it is by means of speech alone that one man is able to gain ascendency over the many; ...history alone, since in it, word and fact are in perfect agreement, embraces in its narration all other qualities that are useful; for it is ever to be seen urging men to justice, denouncing those who are evil, lauding those who are good, laying up, in a word, for its readers, a mighty store of experience." P. 7-13, "Book 1," LIBRARY OF HISTORY by Diodorus Siculus (1933, 1998)

Sunday, March 17, 2019


"STRANGERS THOUGH NATIVES" America's signature "greatness" was disproportionately dependent upon centuries of free, enslaved, African American labor, ingenuity, perseverance, faith, consumption. This "black" contribution predates the United States of America's founding national constitution, 1789, and its earlier "Declaration of Independence" ,1776, dating back to 1619, in Jamestown , Virginia, being sealed and settled by the Emancipation Proclamation, 1863. Long before the United States of America was, long before it existed, we Africans were here, already. Because we were here already: abused, encumbered, enchained, and disfranchised, it, then, could become, as it has become because of us : racist, divided, hypocritical . The United States of America could become, as it became, in very large part, if not principally, because of its natal dependence its existence upon our continued, mainly slave, labor status. But, along the way, in the tug of war of human dynamics, tens of thousands of us acquired their freedom. They married, made babies, bought land, became educated, organized and began to speak out in our best interests, "our" meaning the rest of us, including "mama'nem", those of them who yet remained enslaved, with no one to speak for nor to act for them, but us : the freed ones; they being yet unrecompensed, yet unappreciated, yet black enslaved, labor, whose spiritual ingenuity, yet persevered, by faith, by character. When presented with the deceitful "offer" to return to Africa, where they, the troublesome free blacks, could be free of white racism and free to enjoy the fruits of their own labor, "under their own vine and fig tree," in order to colonize Liberia, as an African "nation," founded by the white, mainly slaveholding, but not exclusively such, American Colonization Society (ACS) for the exclusive benefit of those tens of thousands of us who were already "free," our leaders: Bishop Richard Allen, Robert Purvis, James Forten, and 3,000 more free black men who were delegates in specially called colored convention , debated, discerned, declared, ACS' commercial, self-serving, venture, slaveholding ruse; then they voted democratically, unanimously, to reject ACS' fraudulent "gift" of African colonization in January, 1817 at Mother Bethel AME Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1817. The American Colonization Society debate, which, at times, "had good people on both sides"--so to speak--was subsumed by, succeeded by, the cotton gin's profitability in 1840s , then by Civil War for secession; but it seems to have continued into the 20th century with the Marcus Garvey's Movement-UNIA of the 1920s, and with the African Hebrew Nation of Jerusalem , who left Chicago for Liberia, then for Israel in the 1960s. Either way it goes, we black people remain "strangers though natives" echoing U. S. Senator Henry Clay's 1827 evocative address for support to Congress, where he had totally applauded the ACS scheme that he a Kentucky-slaveholder promoted.


Reading in PRINCIPIA OF ETHNOLOGY: THE ORIGIN OF RACES AND COLOR, WITH ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPENDIUM OF ETHIOPIAN AND EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION (1880) by Martin Robison Delany, I read : "The human body is covered by a structure composed of three different parts: the cuticle or external surface; the 'rete mucosum', middle or intermediate structure ; and the 'cutis vera' or true skin, underlying the other two, covering the whole surface of the fleshy parts or muscular system, called the hide in slaughtered animals. "The rete mucosum is a colorless jelly-like substance, composed of infinitesimal cells like a sponge or honeycomb. The cuticle or external surface is an extremely thin structure, colorless, and as perfectly clear and transparent as crystal glass. The upper surface of the cutis vera or true skin--that part in contact with the rete mucosum--is perfectly white. White is simply negative, having no color at all. "It will at once be observed, that the cuticle or external surface being transparent, the rete mucosum next below it being colorless, and the cutis vers underlying all being white, that all human beings by nature are first white , at some period of existence, whether born white or not. "The cells of the rete mucosum arr filled with limpid fluid, and whatever the complexion of an individual or race, the coloring matter is deposited in the cells of the rete mucosum mixed with limpid fluid. This is deposited there by a process of elaboration and selection in animal chemistry, a function simply of physiology. "The coloring matter in the Caucasian or white race is 'rouge' as we term it, the essential properties which give redness to the rose. When a white person blushes, red matter rushes into the cells of the rete mucosum, then recedes, leaving them as before, colorless, and the complexion white. When a white person has rosy cheeks or 'ruby lips', there is a fixed deposit of rouge in those parts; but where they are pale and 'colorless,' there is an absence of rouge or coloring matter in the rete mucosum. "In the Mongolian or yellow race of Asia, the coloring matter is the same --rouge--modified by peculiar elaboration, and uniformly infused into the mucosum, giving the yellow tinge --one of the known properties of the sun's rays--to the complexion . "And in the African or black race, of Africa the coloring matter is 'the same' as that in the other two races, being rouge concentrated, which makes a pigment , the 'pigmentum nigrum' of physiology--or a black matter. Thus the color of the blackest African is produced by 'identically the same' essential coloring that gives rise to the 'rosy cheeks and ruby lips' to the most delicately beautiful white lady. "For illustration, to prove that concentrated rouge or concrete redness is black , take blood caught in a vessel, let it cool and dry up by evaporation of the liquid part; when condensed in a solid mass, it becomes perfectly black, more so than the blackest human being ever seen. Look again at the fruits , black berries, black cherries, poke-berries and the like. From greenness discoloration goes on till approaching whiteness, when a faint redness ensues, gradually increasing to a deep red, which merges into blackness, the intense color of red..... "Here we see that the first son of Noah, Shem, was born with a high degree of a certain complexion or color; the second son, Ham, with a higher degree on intensity of the same color, making a different complexion from either. The three brothers were all of the 'same color'--rouge--which being possessed in different degrees.... "For the convenience of classification, these complexions may be termed 'positive' 'medium' and 'negative.' Ham was positive, Shem was medium, Japheth was negative. And here it may be remarked as a curious fact, that in the order of these degrees of complexion which indicated the ardor and temperament of the races they represented, so was the progress of civilization propagated and carried forward by them. But is it still in doubt, that the color of the African is homogeneous with that of the Mongoloid and Caucasian races, or that either is identified with that of the other? In this too we summon the incontestable laws of nature . In this we make reference to the three races, Mongolian, African, and Caucasian, or yellow, black, and white." P. 25-27, 28-29, "Race and Color"  After reading this outstanding explanation of race and color from 1880, I wondered whether the three colors: black, brown, yellow-tan, visibly represented by early indigenous tribes of Africa, south to north, as revealed by science in the modern era , may appropriately substitute for the classic yellow, black, white, chromatic triad, so beautifully explained by Dr. Martin Robison Delany? Just curious.

Saturday, March 16, 2019


COSMOLOGICAL ACCOUNTING Saturday, March 16, 2019 By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman An army must not outpace its supply line; neither a deep sea diver its air line, ever. The converse principle is also true. Cosmological speculations must all conform to some form of proof, always. Too-far-gone imaginations that are imposed by hostile or gentle aggressions or suasions, that lack veritable proofs, verifiable truths that are founded upon and within nature, above, below, within. Sooner or later, the cosmological accounting will come revealing all of those who are found to be lacking in some form of natural proofs. These will be found to be lacking, wanting, in natural truth and proof. A faulty foundation hosts a building’s collapse; a hole in the bucket or balloon is soon discovered. So too will be disclosed such frauds, liars, cheats, scammers, hucksters, shamans, shysters, jack-legs, impostors. Nature is the basis of life. Life is an aspect of God. God is before life, after life, intermediate life. All.

Friday, March 15, 2019


WHERE THE YELLOW NILE FLOWS It may well be that while the Bible's Northern Hemisphere was flooding, that the Southern Hemisphere was drying out, was desiccating. How else can one, may we, account for the large Sahara Desert becoming dry where vast wetlands once were? and where, as significantly, the Yellow Nile once flowed into Nubia to join the Blue and White Niles before all entered into Kemet?

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Harsh March winds, proverbial March winds, seed, rush, blow, race, howl, surge, batter, tree tops, rooftops, houses,and land, as if its gusts would die, were they not able to scatter and peel, if they could not blast away, blow away, breezily all idle life, bygone and past, as they billow away, winnow away forward unto the new, fecund sheltering resurgent Spring. In more temperate winds of March , I used to fly my kites way up in the sky, imagining I was Ben Franklin or Wilbur and Orville Wright or Icarus, or anything but an earthbound boy wielding his bright kite on a string.


Within our eternal ever-expanding "universe," which we conceive and presume ourselves to occupy, there are an infinite number times an infinite number of different things. Right here, on our inconspicuous planet, in our inconspicuous solar system, of our inconspicuous galaxy, the Milky Way, which is 100,000 light years in diameter, our scientists say that our earth is the same, multiverse of diversity . How lonely then, must they be who clam that theirs is the only thing that is true, given infinite variety in leaves, grass, rain, snow, life .

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


"SLAY" THE BIG BAD WOLF , ANTICHRIST It is axiomatic that the sins of the mother are not to be visited upon the daughter , nor are the father's to be visited upon the son; rather , each one answers for its own sins. Yet throughout the history of the United States of America the sons and daughters of Africans, who were themselves "without sin" according to the original unedited version of the "Declaration of Independence" were brutalized and enslaved, as though they had "sinned!" Thereafter the children of these falsely anathematized Africans have been vilified, ostracized, enslaved, sold, caricatured, mocked, miseducated , exploited, subjugated, for generations, despite these fake Christians ' creedal traditions, and Bible teachings against this brand of intergenerational barbarism and violence against Christian law by so-called "white" Christian people. What is plain as day is that these people are not Christians! They are criminals! They are the anti-Christ! Christian religion has been misused by white Americans' churches and governments to oppress black men, women and children who have never harmed them , did not know of them. These murderous people have used Christian religion, science , philosophy, literature as , convenient guises to cloak perfidy. These fraudulent practitioners are like the big bad wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood." Truth hunters of all hues must slay this "big bad wolf" who has swallowed grandmother, whole; now lies under the cover, in her bed, and in her bonnet. Truth hunters and lovers must attack this voracious beast in order to release ancient maternal, paternal truths. Amen !

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


MEDITATIONS ON WOOL Wool 's wonderful warmth, be it radiated, generated, implicated: resists the chills of winters' past; prompting all old men, who ask, if there may be divinity, some woolly nativity, with the lamb and me? Revelation 1:13-16 King James Version (KJV) 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain

Monday, March 11, 2019


ANCIENT AFRICAN CHRISTIANITY "Some scholars of African culture have regrettably acquired a persistent habit of assuming that Christianity began in Africa only a couple of centuries ago, strictly imported from 'the West' or 'the North.' They appear to view Africa as only two or three centuries deep, not two or three millennia. This false start is repeated frequently in some well-intended African theological literature. Even the best of African theologians have been tempted to fall into the stereotype that Christianity came from Europe. This is a narrow, modern view of history, ignoring Christianity's first millennium, when African thought shaped and conditioned virtually every diocese in Christianity worldwide . "African theologians in the last half century have been singularly preoccupied with fighting the dominance of the modern West, especially during the period in which the struggle for political independence and national identity was crucial for African consciousness. They have fought, in part, by asserting the legitimacy of African traditional religious patterns , motifs , rituals, and memories. But they have fought without their best and nearest weapon: the ancient texts of African Christianity." P.25-26, "Introduction ," HOW AFRICA SHAPED THE AFRICAN MIND : REDISCOVERING THE AFRICAN SEEDBED OF WESTERN CHRISTIANITY by Thomas C. Oden (2007)

Saturday, March 9, 2019




Friday, March 8, 2019


MR. WALTER WRIGHT, BROOKS CHAPEL AME CHURCH AND ME I write today in praise of Mr. Walter Wright of Butler, Bates County , Missouri . This humble, modest, man is emblematic of those who brought us through, carried us over, treacherous terrains quietly. His wife was the late dynamic, Mildred Wright, treasurer of Brooks Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, (AME) and later treasurer of the Amen Society. I had formerly pastored from Brooks Chapel AME from 1995-2004. Writing of Mr. Walter Wright is equivalent to writing of Mrs. Mildred Wright. They were a wonderful team and a most delightful couple. Mr. Wright was a quiet man that one would hardly notice until it was time to get some work done; then there he was, unassuming working. When I first got to Brooks Chapel, it was in a sorry state, physically and spiritually. There was one member, Mother Cooper, also deceased who sang old "songs of Zion" that never made it to anyone's song book. The pastor was also in a sorry state, for I was not officially ordained. Rather, I was a licentiate, "licensed" by the Board of Examiners to preach , but not yet ordained by an AME bishop. The historical church had been an old general store that in 1871 had been hauled to its corner lot on Pine Street . Up the street lived Mother Cooper and Randolph , her husband, and across the street, a bit, lived Walter and Millie Wright. One day while visiting the Wright's quaint and efficient home then occupied by them alone, their two children being grown and gone, I complimented them on its design. That was when Mildred told me that Walter had built their house. I was amazed. He then told me how he had looked in building books for directions and put it together from that. I quietly marveled at his skill, such skills are needed at Brooks Chapel to put on a roof and to put in a bathroom I mused, for it had no bathroom when I arrived in 1994, to my shock, my horror and disgust. The Zion United Methodist Church across the street, had a toilet. Its "member" Mr. Troy Burton, who attended Brooks Chapel each Sunday that I was there, opened its doors for our use, primarily my wife's predictable use two Sundays each month I was there to preach . My wife, Lyla's, use reinforced our own inadequacy, and my own! One day from the pulpit, after my having swatted away a hovering wasp that was wafting about my head, I said what was on my heart, "We need a bathroom! God blesses the child who has got his own!" Someone then replied, possibly Mr. Wright, "You need a roof first pastor. This one's about to fall in!" I quickly agreed with the speaker and we put together a building committee, who handled the major matter in a matter of a few weeks. Then, before I knew it, the same committee had dug a trench from the church to the city sewer line outside . I noticed the gravel and dirt strewn about the entrance and asked what it was . That was when and how I had learned that Walter Wright, Troy Burton, and, perhaps, others of their Briscoe Masonic Lodge had moved on from the roof to making a much needed toilet for Brooks Chapel AME Church family. "The people had a mind to work," in Brooks Chapel, Butler , Missouri! For we went on from the toilet to form the Amen Society . The Amen Society in 2009 erected a bronze statue on the court house square paying homage to the First Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry, who, in October 29, 1862, had fought (and won!) "The Battle of Island Mound," against 400 Confederate irregulars in the Civil War, before it was legal for Colored troops to fight for their freedom in "a white man's war!" Walter Wright is now President of the Amen Society that I founded years ago. Just 8 miles southwest of our statue, the State of Missouri in 2012, dedicated a 40-acre park site, where the history-making battle was fought. We had begun working on the project by God's grace in 1999. I had discovered the battle in the book, LIKE MEN OF WAR : BLACK TROOPS IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862-1865 (1998) by Noah Trudeau in 1999. I told the church about it. No one knew of it. Therefore, we decided to honor the dead who had fallen in battle for freedom. We did big time! Walter and Millie Wright were right there; as was Mrs. Elnora Burton, Mother Cooper's daughter , church pianist and first Amen Society President. Oh what a mighty God we serve !BR


CRAFTING OUR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION I crafted Imhotep, my first-born, five-year old son's, summer education program in 1984, the year that I was divorced from his birth mother. No area program had seemed satisfactory to me. I had wanted a combination of recreation and education , not exclusively one. Fortunately , I found the Linwood YMCA for swimming lessons and recreation. It ran 7:00 from to 3. So I could drop him off there and then go to work . But there was still the period after 3:00, since I did not get off from work until 5:00. I asked around for a private tutor . I was blessed to find another federal worker , a former school teacher's aide, who got off work at 2:30 and who rode a bus past Linwood and Cleveland, the site of the YMCA. I arranged for her to pick up my son and go across the street to the Central Christian Church basement where she would tutor him in math and reading until I came by @ 5:30. I happily paid her and the Y $35.00 a week for their vitally important services in Kansas City, Missouri. One memorable anecdote involves Imhotep's "old school " swimming instructor, a black woman, who did not play! She called me at work to tell me that Imhotep had 'forgotten' his swimming trunks at home and was therefore refusing to swim. As he was wearing shorts anyway she proposed to require him to swim in them. I said "Carry on, Ma'am ! Do what you do! He won't 'forget' his trunks again!' She thanked me and proceeded to do just that! At the end of 1984's summer, we parents were invited to demonstrations of swimming proficiency of our kids . I swelled with pride to see that my son was an adept swimmer, who became later a life guard , and a far better swimmer than his father had ever been at any age. Hooray! for old school teachers who improvise and who 'don't take no mess' when it comes to teaching their crafts! Happily my son and his wife have crafted similar programs for their sons and others' children on the West Coast. What goes around right back comes back, doesn't it!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


MISS AMY "Owners frequently provided that their slaves be freed following their deaths, and bondsmen and bondswomen who benefited by such provisions numbered in the thousands. Some owners stipulated in their wills that blacks whom they deemed loyal and trustworthy should be freed, if not upon the owner's death, at some time in the future . The children, or 'issue,' of female slaves were customarily emancipated at a date in the future , when they reached their majority or some designated age..... "The heirs of South Carolina planter Elijah Wills charged that his will dated 1854, was null and void under the 1841 act that forbade the freeing of slaves, despite the fact that Wills had transported the slaves to Ohio for the purpose of emancipating them. Just as they were landing on the Ohio side of the river, in Cincinnati , Willis died. The heirs attempted to establish the testator's insanity on testimony that he often foundered 'under gloomy depression of spirits--avoiding society on account of his connection with Amy.' A 'dark yellow woman,' Amy had given birth to three of the master's children and had become de facto mistress of the plantation, 'us[ing] saucy and improper language' in the presence of whites and exercising undue influence over the slaveholder--notably she had prevented the sale of the black man who had also fathered three of her children. "Contrary to the judge's instructions, a jury found the will invalid. The court of appeals reversed the lower court 's jury finding and ordered a new trial. However disgusting the court might have found the circumstances of the case, it was clear that the testator's wishes in this case were 'perfectly consistent' with those of a sane person." P.71, 73. "Manumission by Will and Deed," APPEALING FOR LIBERTY: FREEDOM SUITS IN THE SOUTH by Loren Schweninger (2018)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


PROVE ALL THINGS Unless theory is backed by reality it can never be proven nor secured; it will be forever in flux, in disputes, in innumerable controversies. That is because there is nothing backing it. Many of the early church doctrinal, theological, disputes have struck me as being of this messy nature. The ancient Ethiopians and Egyptians used the stars as guides as proofs as foundations for their calendar, agriculture, religion; for their surveying, their geometry, for navigating, for their hagiography of pharaonic succession and more . The book of Thessalonians says "prove all things." 1 Thessalonians 5:21 King James Version (KJV) 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Dr. George Washington Carver lifted the renown of Tuskegee Institute by using plants secrets that they "communicated" to him to revolutionize southern crop rotation and save it from destruction; and to educate farmers on economics. He invented the field of chemurgy, deriving hundreds of offshoot synthetic products from natural products like peanuts, soybeans and more. Tied in here are the heavens, the earth and the word of God. Use all things natural to prove all others. Back up all assertions with proof! 

Monday, March 4, 2019


"UP IN SMOKE" : OUR FAIR SHARE The Missouri Supreme Court has heard a great variety of cases of interest to me, including "Dred Scott", and "Lloyd Gaines." But the case having the greatest personal interest to me was the settlement of the cigarette class action suit, brought by a number of state attorneys general, for damages, in which I had unsuccessfully sought to intervene on behalf of my father, Elvis Mitchell Coleman, who died from decades of cigarette smoking. My mother, Margie Dean Coleman, was my client. We had sought to piggyback off of the states' efforts to benefit our own circumstances. No one represented the interests of the many individual smokers who had died by reason of the cigarette lobbyists and industry's poisoning. I had sought to represent my father through my mother for that reason. A black circuit judge in St. Louis with a reputation for perspicacity was the first to deny, peremptorily, without a hearing, our motion to intervene on behalf of victims, my daddy especially. I was not totally shocked by the "brother" on the bench, considering the stakes! I would be lying if I were to deny my being, at least, mildly disappointed by his order given such reputation. The Court of Appeals in St. Louis, was more hospitable. There, at least, there was a hearing. There also I was able to speak with my brother Bison from Howard University School of Law, now deceased , Worsham (Chuck) Caldwell. He was representing I am not sure whom, exactly, but he told me that he had paid $50,000 into a pot to be able to participate as co-plaintiffs ' counsel in the State of Missouri's share of the class action cigarette settlements that were led by a well-connected plaintiffs' lawyer out of Springfield , Missouri. The Court of Appeals affirmed the Circuit Court and sent the entire case to the Missouri Supreme Court. There in Jefferson City, our mother was brought to the capital, the Supreme Court, by my younger brother, Stephen M. Coleman, a self-employed securities dealer, who is now also deceased . We were approached by a former Missouri Supreme Court judge, who was then representing one of the multiple parties--maybe the State itself--to shake my hand before the arguments were heard. This is the very same man, mind you, who had sought monetary sanctions, against my mother, our mother, (derivatively me) for having filed our motion to intervene in the billion dollars of settlement money that was just sitting there as liquidity. I rejected this man's imperiously proffered hand as being presumptuously perfidious. In the Supreme Court I again was afforded an opportunity to argue on behalf of my mother, for our father's death by cigarettes in the State of Missouri, whose interest the state had abandoned to benefit itself! Why should it not have used its citizens' years of tax payments and campaign contributions for the families of deceased citizen? But the State opted to keep the billions of dollars for itself and for certain ones that it favored, not for us! The Missouri Supreme Court denied our motion to intervene and denied that motion for sanctions against our mother. So, the state and its emissaries got all of the money. We victims got nothing. But our names are all in legal history for such benefit as it may serve hence. The Show-Me State’s share of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement reached between the tobacco industry and 46 states is roughly $130 million a year for about 20 years or $4.5 billion.


I was amazed to read that in 1936 the University of Missouri School of Law had not excluded Chinese, Japanese, or Hindu students from being admitted to it, at the same time that it had excluded a student of African descent , Lloyd Gaines. These facts came to light in trial in 1936, in Columbia, Missouri, during Charles Hamilton Houston's direct examination of the university registrar , Silas Woodson Canada. P. 111-112, "On the Cusp in Missouri," ROOT AND BRANCH: CHARLES HAMILTON HOUSTON, THURGOOD MARSHALL, AND THE STRUGGLE TO END SEGREGATION (2010) by Rawn James, Jr., Esq. Perhaps as amazing, was that TIME MAGAZINE had "ridiculed as 'Blackamoor Gaines'" the plaintiff, Lloyd Gaines, after the Missouri Supreme Court refused to admit Gaines, before his United States Supreme Court appeal succeeded. P.114

Sunday, March 3, 2019


PREACHERS AND TEACHERS To be a preacher or a teacher was to be somebody , let alone, to be both, preacher and teacher! Our people revered both professions back in the day, if not so today. Preachers and teachers go back far into United States of America's black history: Prince Hall, Richard Allen, Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass , Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X.