Wednesday, September 20, 2017


MEASURING IMMEASURABLE WE We are the true units of measure for our earthly prosperity, freedom, education, happiness. You and your family are its energetic units. After you, then, every one else's is. The same fact is true for me and mine. So the indices that are released by reason of general studies that are done to measure satisfaction and wealth, and other indicia of comfort or achievement are only relevant to you and me, as they reflect you and me, or as they affect or effect us in particular. If they do not reflect us, then, they are not relevant to us . We are energy, refractive energy, passing through time and space. I write these words as I recall, yet another story reflecting the broad disparity between black and white people living in the United States of America having a 68-1 wealth disparity. Wealth is love, joy, feeling. But, these temporal studies are released daily, it seems, measuring anything that can be materially measured. The fact and that act of measurement just alters energetic equivalence. It is ever immeasurable . Ignore these studies ! They assay to measure material things. They cannot measure spiritual things. No need for you to inquire: "How lays the land relative to you and yours" How falls the light upon that land ? Your land, light. lives, were always there, already lain in preexistence! We too are basics unit of measure. We count greatly unto ourselves . We are matter unto our family and friends. If the basic unit of measure is untrue, then, no general unit can be true ! Therefore, because we count and because we matter, all of these other indices that do not count nor cannot measure us, are immaterial to us. At our quantum energy level of life where we are entangled, we are it! We are God's measure and means . If observers in physics are wrong , all other observers are also wrong! In short, we are immeasurable and incomparable. Divine sublime light!