Tuesday, July 11, 2017

marketing wisdom: how to do it?

MARKETING WISDOM: HOW TO DO IT? July 11, 2017 by Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman Is there a market for wisdom may seem to be an absurd question. There are after all, schools, colleges, universities, churches, mosques, temples, research institutes, whose purviews seem to subsume wisdom and knowledge, at least in part, all over the world. In addition, there are legions of books, videos, films, tapes, diskettes, being sold to millions of people. The end of marketing is selling. So, seemingly, wisdom is already being very successfully marketed. “Explain what you mean?” someone may ask. Wisdom is universal transcendent truth that is demonstrably accurate at all times, places on earth. Examples of wisdom include the unknown provenance of life and death on earth, meaning: What is life? What is death? Where do they originate Where do they end? Also what are we? Why are we? The answers to these mysterious questions are the vortex, vertex, apex of wisdom. Answers to these questions have been sought, since humanity began on earth, unto the present day by all of mankind. “Buy the truth and do not sell it-- wisdom, instruction and insight as well.” Prov.23:23. This is a paradox. From whom can one buy the truth (wisdom) if one cannot sell the truth? The art of buying and selling is “marketing.” “Wisdom” is truth, instruction, insight. This Scripture seems to moot my question in both regards: marketing and wisdom. Do you agree? #30