Tuesday, July 18, 2017


EDUCATION REVISITED "White communities creating own school districts" reads a headline out of a Chicago website. This is not surprising. The negative media associated with black students and black people, generally, has for a very long time been a perverse incentive to separatism, whether true or not; or whether necessary or not . Columbine, Colorado was all-white; New Town, Connecticut was nearly all-white. I mention these horrible school massacres merely to show that there is no sanctuary from racial evil or from wickedness, anywhere, anyway. While I strenuously opposed the mandatory busing of black school children for integration purposes, only, as insulting to those students, their parents, and their communities, in Kansas City, Missouri, in the 1980's, my single "amicus curiae" voice was immaterial to the grand design or procession of the NAACP/LDF, SCLC, Urban League, or local political interests of all colors, who smelled money and were marching to it! Money, tax dollars spread abroad, in perilous pursuit of untrue, untested, unproven sociological theories, that were advanced by well-paid law firms or other intermediaries , to insiders' disparate businesses, and to disparaging degreed social "innovators" has been the downfall of public education for blacks and for whites, that no one now claims! As immaterial as my amicus curae brief that was filed in federal court in the case of "Jenkins v. State of Missouri," were the lives and reputations of the black school teachers and staffs, who were kicked to the curb by their own integration-at-any-cost black leaders! Whenever there was a car wreck or such other wrecks involving planes, ships, trains, trucks or missilery , all kinds of investigations are launched to prevent future recurrences. Not so with public education! Pouring in more public money into already-failed plans and failed persons, who have wrecked it, without any adequate investigations, is our sad recycling norm in education. So, I do not blame anyone who seeks to better educate their own children. Not to do so is criminal and crazy. So too are all parents "criminal and crazy" who do not monitor, discipline, and motivate their children to excellence in public schools, private schools, trade schools, and who do not seek to better themselves, as parents, as they do so!