Monday, July 10, 2017


Today is my first son's 39th birthday. I was there when he came out healthy and I rejoiced ! We named him "Imhotep Piankhi Coleman" after the greatest black historical characters that we knew of, hopeful that the rest of humanity would years later, come to know him and to honor his namesakes. I remember when he was 5 years old at the Linwood YMCA, one July day that he "forgot" his swimming trunks at home. His old school, black female instructor, Ms. Cameron, called me at work, and asked permission to throw him into the swimming pool in his regular short pants. I said "Go right ahead!" That is the way old school black teachers prepared our young, too-clever boys: with TOUGH LOVE! He became an adept swimmer in life and he later became a lifeguard ! The Lord is good, and is to be praised mightily!