Monday, July 17, 2017


CONNUBIAL BONDS OF SELF Everything begins with self. With oneself. Then it spreads abroad. The same applies to loving oneself and to forgiving oneself for failure. Failure is a fact of life. Nor has one escaped failure, as no one escapes death, which is another connubial fact of the life that we live by grace. Connubially bonded as well are self love and self-forgiveness, which is the precondition to doing the same for others "as thy self" says Jesus. "Connubial" is the state of being bound in matrimony. It is the tether that keeps holding us together within ourselves, as well as without ourselves, literally and figuratively. Starting right now, let us retrace every failure in our lives, as far back as we can recall in time, then love it, forgive it! Start now love-forgive! Love is forgiveness inverted. Love yourself, forgive yourself ; next, love and forgive others as others do you. It should not be broadcast nor proclaimed, God knows hearts. Amen.