Monday, March 27, 2017


DONALD TRUMP GOT PLAYED, FLAYED, DISPLAYED BY PUTIN President Donald Trump's l'infant terrible momentum has slowed. No Mexican-paid-for border wall; no Muslim ban ; no Obamacare repeal. "Make America great again," ever a fraudulent hoax, is now more widely known as a disguised, disgusting, Russian-backed : cyber-electoral-financial-media-manipulation attack upon the sovereignty of the United States of America in 2016. Like Greek tragedy it is spun upon the spindle of Barack Obama, woven on the loom of Hillary Clinton, cut by Vladimir Putin. "We are losing our country to blacks, women, Mexicans, Muslims, Asians, foreigners, to anyone, but Russians!" So went their lunatic, winning mantra repeatedly. It successfully captured our Presidency by supporting the candidacy of one desperately vain, if not insane, Donald John Trump, a political novice, celebrity apprentice, who was plucky enough to be played! Of course the power play was made possible, made perfect, by lingering American naïveté about racism's lie: whiteness' righteousness, especially that of white men, as ingloriously, ingeniously promoted in film, movies, television, video, books, magazines , newspapers, classrooms, courts, churches , legislatures, banks, all-all over this land. Obama was hopeful. Trump WAS and IS recrudescence!