Friday, March 10, 2017


EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING History glides, elides, slides; while narratives root, griot, bruit, toot. History flies above giving context. Narrative digs up fleshy content. Ray Charles once said "It do what it do.It just do what it do, baby!" I do not know what he was referring to. Ray might have been speaking on or about anything. All does what it does. Still the profundity of Ray yet reverberates with me, lingering like a blues poem deep into the night. Long as "it do what it do" for me, for you, why bother asking why? Mastery of "what" trumps mystery of any: how, why, where, when, who's. Knowing what it "is" says what it does. 'Does' comes out of this 'is.' Just like 'is' oozes out of the 'what'. Once one has grasped a vertex of the hexagon one has got ahold of it all. Each thing is deducible from the next thing, as "Everything is everything." So history is gross narratives,even as narratives are history personalized.