Tuesday, March 7, 2017


REPARATIONS ARE LAGNIAPPE Reparations are "lagniappe:" slang for "extras, add-ons, or usufruct." "A new future stretched out before them, but Dorothy Vaughn and the others found themselves at the beginning of a career, with few role models to follow to its end. Just as they had learned the techniques of aeronautical research on the job, the ambitious among them would have to figure out for themselves what it would take to advance as a woman in a profession that was built by men ." P. 82, HIDDEN FIGURES by Margot Lee Shetterly (2016) This quote outlines, encompasses, the route for ambitious black people to take in order to procure promised economic reparations, for prior deprivations, including slavery, from 1865 forward, which have been reneged upon repeatedly whether by Congresses Presidents, and Supreme Courts, though promised.. U. S. General William T. Sherman and Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, had met with and asked 27 black preachers in Savannah, Georgia, January 12, 1865, what spoils or compensation the black people wanted for their support in the war. The preachers said land. They want ownership of the land that they used to work as slaves . The land was not given to them, but was sold to Northern land speculators and politicians. http://www.freedmen.umd.edu/savmtg.htm So black people with ambition must learn techniques, as did the women in HIDDEN FIGURES, for themselves as how best to acquire what is rightfully theirs, if ever they are to be restored, repaired, made whole, even BEFORE general reparations are finally paid to less ambitious ones and to the ambitious as well ! "Therefore... continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Phil. 2:12-13 Get yours now all else is lagniappe!