Wednesday, March 8, 2017


USING YOUR GIFTS TO FEED Stake those tomatoes. Cucumbers cling to fences. Beans or peas wrap around poles to mature . Others like watermelon need plenty space. Greens get along nicely anyplace . Some young tendrils need support. Others like okra need no support . It is the same with people as plants. Some folks naturally grow hardy as collards, mustard, turnips. Others, like tomatoes, grow best staked; or like cucumbers, by fences; or like beans or peas, poles; or okra none. Being more romantic than an actual farmer, these pre-spring time ideas or associations occur to me, partly from my experience, observations, and conversations. I have grown very little in the way of food, ever. But I have fed many by means of my mind; from my ideas shared from reading, from experience, even observations, conversations. Use whatever you have to do good. I have. I do. I try each day as praise.