Tuesday, March 14, 2017


YEAR 2017 ANTI-POVERTY WARS: OBAMACARE & SOCIAL SECURITY The Republicans ' mania to repeal and "replace " Obamacare masks and mocks their true antecedents: "Medicaid and Medicare," which came into being in 1965 during the "War on Poverty," under Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/…/Social_Security_Amendments_of_… Many of Trump 's storm troopers --to hear them now, after the fact--apparently did not realize that in "making America great [white] again," they were, really, "cutting off their noses to spite their faces," in delivering the White House , Congress, and state legislatures to Trump and the Republicans again! Over 50 times House Republicans voted to repeal and replace the "Obamacare" program, while its namesake was still the President. Yet, back then, as now, they had no viable replacement for it but rancor, jealousy, white supremacy hatred. For these brainwashed Americans', mythical "whiteness," the paradigm of privileged white-power was their idolatrous fetish, regardless of the Constitution, their own vulnerable circumstances, law, Russian voter intrigues, or, their own health and welfare, justified their answering this narcissistic cow bell clamor to make America "great" again, even though it hurt, notwithstanding lies. Arguably, even before President Lyndon Johnson's anti-poverty health programs, the Republicans appear to be aiming at the Social Security Administration, itself; it is the nation's foremost anti-poverty programs that were passed during the "Depression," in 1935, during Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's three administrations. You are talking about a revolution! If they are stupid enough to mess with Social Security into which all have paid, and upon which tens of millions depend , there will be war! Before we even get to the Social Security War, the Republicans must first survive the Obamacare War that they have fomented and want! It does not yet appear that they will win; but rather will be castaways!