Wednesday, March 15, 2017


FREE WILL CONCESSION Conceding the existence of free will seems to imply that one's will can be other than the source from which it came. Is a piece of cloth apart from its bolt of other blend? No! Such piece is same as its bolt. So free will is part of a greater will; the will of our Creator, who is Lord of all, apart from whom is nothing. This "free will" visitation was inspired by reading Book 3 of Origen, ON FIRST PRINCIPLES (2013), who leaves to each reader the freedom to choose which is preferred, "free will" or another--redolent of Jesus who condemned not what his disciples condemned--after citing and searching scripture.This flexibility was deemed to be heresy by the later Roman orthodox church, even though this 3rd century African philosopher, Origen, is certainly the first Christian theologian, their veritable spiritual foundation!