Thursday, March 16, 2017


AT HAND AWAITING A PLAN? As there is light that we cannot see, and sound that we cannot hear, might not there also be flavors we that cannot smell; savors we cannot taste ; sensations that we cannot feel in existence as well? Might not there be, as with our senses, things we cannot know? How humbling! Not merely that mankind does not, but man cannot! That "cannot" challenges man, as much as that scriptoria "shall not." That emboldens man, insults man! "Do not" is conditional, temporary, remediable. But cannot is absolute! Whoever would presume to tell man what he cannot do, is spoiling for a fight; one that man is all-too-happy to oblige, with their almighty inner sense of self : himself/herself Even now mankind combats death , under many guises; whether they be by religion, medicine, art, music philosophy, technology, or science. What better goal could there be for man than to live forever, than to know it all, to sense it all, to taste, to feel, and to hear it all? Albeit lacking what it is to be it or to do it all? Perhaps these latter two may ever elude the aspiration of mankind, or, perhaps not. For, indeed, the Holy Scripture acknowledges: "The Lord said if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible to them." Genesis 11:6. Coding, mathematics, science, are "speaking the same language," that we men all "have begun to do" globally . To do the "impossible," therefore, is seemingly at hand, awaiting a plan. Amen.