Thursday, March 9, 2017

"natural" people

GRADES OF "NATURAL" PEOPLE Bless back as blessed on. Love back as loved on. Fight back as fought on. Curse back as cursed on. Write back as written on. Doing back as done to is natural. Not doing so is unnatural , since: Everything in nature does so . Not to do so is then unnatural. But, It may be truly supernatural: Like-- Being born of a virgin Walking on water Raising the dead Stopping storms at sea Life after crucifixion. Only one "man" was supernatural . Everyone else is natural, except -- My African American people; who Are mixed-up in all three natures: Supernatural. In abiding by the "Sermon on the Mount" @ white terrorists who kill, rape, shoot, cheat, steal, rob them Natural. In fighting in every American armed conflict faithfully; who are patriotic; who are diligent; and law-abiding. Unnatural . In fighting, killing, robbing, hating, exploiting each other; in sulking, and surrendering to subjugation. My people are of all 3 natures. They got us here . I am glad! Who could ask for anything more? Or who could get anything more?