Tuesday, March 21, 2017


IN PRAISE OF AUTOBIOGRAPHY A date is not a date, unless it is called or known as a "date." This amusing idea from the United States 44th President's second autobiographical, bestseller, THE AUDACITY OF HOPE, by Barack Hussein Obama brought forth a chuckle from me this morning. Michelle's insistent refusal to "date" her mentee, her legal understudy at a big white Chicago law firm, was parried by his clever adaptive fiction that they were not going on a "date." They were, he said, just spending time together, unburdened by the social encumbrances of a "date." Ha! It worked. An ice cream parlor was among their stops on their non-"date". It is memorable because he also wrote that their "first kiss" had tasted like chocolate, her own flavor! Autobiography reveals many clues, fascinating, memorable secrets that fiction, history, biography all bypass! It is my favorite genre!