Tuesday, April 17, 2018


HASTE MAKES WASTE Refusing to check my work was my principle short-fall, following grade school. Teachers repeatedly told us always "to go back over your work, class." I resisted doing so. One part was hardheadedness; another part was overconfidence. These flaws followed me into life after grade school , until one day, as the stakes grew larger and the repercussions, too, I decided to stop; to recall my sweet grade school teachers' many helpful admonitions to us all about work review. I regretted my errors. I grew contrite. I rectified my ways. I adopted a new (old) habit of work review! Not only did I learn that the aphorism "haste makes waste" was true for myself, but I had developed more compassion for others who, I noted, may not have yet learned the value of review, for any reason!