Sunday, April 1, 2018


RECYCLED REEVAPORATED Though human spirits may long to reacquire; although soaring spirits may aspire; their earthly bodies yet require, earth's refreshments, daily, to live. For as spirit is the breath of life, all of "life" must be refracted in time, space, matter, energy, for our substantive consistency to subsist, for it to exist, in earth, in divine life. For we are twain; twins; twined; by male and female; by DNA; RNA; by intertwined vagus nerves, cubed in divinity, that is greater than infinity. We live, die; yet all live, die anew, in spirit, meaning life as we know it, is as temporal as death as we know it. Jesus Christ lived and died! for our memories, memorials, so declare. Yet, in us who know, who love God: faithful friend, as Creator, as father, mother, sister, brother, sun, moon, stars, earth, planets, water, flowers: realize that lives are transient gifts, limited by heavenly licenses for us to wield, to work, to waste, as we may, until recycled, reevaporated, as all before, now gone, have done! AMEN!