Thursday, April 5, 2018


JOHN MERCER LANGSTON AND ME John Mercer Langston of Virginia , Ohio , Washington , D.C., and Haiti, was among many other things, a very early African American attorney; was an elected Ohio town clerk, was the first black politician, diplomat, college dean, college president, Freedman's Bureau official, Freedman's Saving Bank trustee, husband, and father. John M. Langston's was a quite stellar, 19th century life. Its battles, victories, inspire me, and all who know of him, into the 21st century. I thought of him on April 3, 2018. Recalling that he had successfully sued the United States government for $7500 back pay in the United States Court of Claims for money long due to him as wages in Haiti, where he was Consul for the United States, I drew strength from his example, for my similar struggle in Missouri . He had tried every venue short of suit, before filing suit, but had received nothing encouraging . John Mercer Langston founded the Howard University School of Law in 1869. His thick autobiography, is fact-laden, interpolating an era that is little known to most Americans. I did not take the time to read his very important book until 2011; it and photo of him were prominently displayed in the entrance our law library, when I was a student there, from which I graduated in 1976. Thereafter I returned home to Missouri to marry, to live, to practice, teach, preach, and write.