Monday, April 16, 2018


RESOURCE DEPRIVATION AND US Resource deprivation stunts growth. After the end of the second American "Reconstruction" in 1968, our cities were deprived of federal and states' monetary resources as punishment for some black people fighting for access to those resources to which we were entitled by "law". We had migrated as "refugees" to the North to escape the South after the lawless repressive terrorism against us. Soon the mutated lawlessness came North. They had already killed off our wisest, moral leader and philosophical epicenter in 1968. They elected recidivist Richard Nixon. They parodied us. They passed laws. They persecuted us. They cut off tax resources to the urban areas and encircled them with concrete roads. What did we do while this was being done to us, to thwart us, to terminate us, to stymie enough of us to arrest our further advance and development? Look at yourself, look at your family, look at your friends and their families. After looking, then you can best answer for "what did we do while this was being done to us" post-1968. Your honest answer will explain much about our current woes, and dilemma. It will also declare what must be done.