Friday, April 26, 2019


THE 'RIGHTEOUS' HAVE SURVIVED LITERAL 'HELL' None but the righteous could have survived African "Maafa,"---capture, transshipment, lifelong slavery, new languages, no family to love or to be loved by, brutal living conditions, millions of deaths, pre-sun-up-to-past-sundown working hours, acculturation into "white" superiority, rape anytime, breeding farms, children/ spouses/parents/ siblings sold at will, treated and viewed as chattel; illiteracy and innumeracy--in the actual feral, literal, "HELL" of North America, where the righteous have wiggled, squirmed, nearly shaken themselves free of the wretched detritus of soulless, race-based, cretin, oppression and deprivations; but who, somehow, continue to love their tormentors as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, friends and strangers! No fiction, no myth, no allegory, no account in recorded human history has ever seen its like! Not Dante's "Inferno," not Milton's "Paradise Lost", not John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," not the Bible, not the Koran, not the Torah, not the Pyramid Texts nor Coffin Texts; not the sacred Hindu texts, not Chaldean prophets, not Asian mystics Buddha, Confucius, none but the righteous are made of such divine, sterner stuff to be able to demonstrate to all the rest of mankind, that through the sacrifice of his first people there is power to give, to take away, to enliven, to kill, to raise up anew from the dead, to gather together again, to scatter, asunder to reduce the former, to raise the latter, only God.