Tuesday, April 23, 2019


CAN SATAN REPENT? A 9-year old girl asked my friend, who is a lawyer and pastor, "Can Satan repent?" That simple inquiry is disarming in multiple respects. First that she was just 9; second that she inquired; third, that the question could ever arise; fourth, to whom the piercing philosophical, eschatological question was put . I would have replied that "God" who is a spirit, created Satan, who, like "God," is also a spirit, just like everything existing God created in the spirit, including imagination of mankind, instincts of nature and laws. Thus, God has absolutely no competition. Even Satan, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Osiris, Jah Shango, are subordinate to God, as is every man, woman, child, thing, element, idea, energy, light beam. Therefore, one can simply say "no" to a 9 year old girl and move on to something else. That would not, however, be true to the spirit of truth and integrity and morality and humility required of those of us who purport to have a relationship with God. Did not Jacob wrestle with the angel and subdue it by pulling the sinew by its thigh? Do not the scriptures say that God created good and evil and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust, the good and the bad? Can not God use a jackass to teach a lesson to men, a whale, lions' den? It so, God can use a 9-year old girl! Therefore although that little angel who asked that question does not know me, she has spoken through my friend, and her pastor, directly unto me! Therefore, the absolute truth is that the answer to her question "Can Satan repent," is can you repent? Can I repent? Can we? Yes, he can like us! That is because Satan is no worse nor better than mankind, than the "prodigal son," who wasted away his wealth on wine women and song, in strange lands, But who found himself eating in a hog trough, came to his senses, and repented of his waywardness, And returned home to his father's house, that he had left. His father who espied him afar off, welcomed him home! Father killed the fatted calf, put a golden ring on his finger, put a robe o his back, sandals on his feet, and called his entire household to come and rejoice with him that his son that was "lost had now been found." But, his brother who stayed home, was envious of the lavish attention given by the lord of the manor to his brother as a reward for his dissolute waywardness. Ad their father chided him for it later. I don't know if this reply will help the inquiring child but it certainly helped me, greatly even more after adding prodigal! "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Amen! Matthew 19:14 King James Version (KJV) 14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain