Monday, April 8, 2019


WE NEED TO RETURN TO THE "PERFECTION STANDARD" Perhaps the "perfection standard" is too high, for African Americans! It is Jesus' standard, Matthew 5:48. It was the ancient Ethiopians' and Egyptians' standard for thousands of years before the birth of Christ, as evinced in their philosophy, astronomy, geometry, medicine, pyramids, mathematics, writing, literature, stele, temples, skilled workmanship, agriculture, navigation, ship-building, etc.; their enduring archaeological reputations among all nations of earth. This is attested by their megaliths, is attested by ancient Greek authors of the classics: Homer, Herodotus, Plato. Perfection standard is too high? Perhaps the "perfection standard NOT too high. Even our recent ancestors said "Always do you best! Be twice as good as the white man, at least, to get the same as he gets by just being white." Maybe your forbears did not say that. Mine did say it! Lawyers' have "the reasonable man" standard which is flexible. The "perfection standard" is not flexible; no room for mischief!