Monday, April 29, 2019


"GOD" : CREATED IN ETHIOPIA We usually take God for granted. However, the concept of God, the ubiquity, fact of God is the greatest philosophical achievement of man. Before "God" life was. We have many fossilized remains of fish, plants, animals, insects, dating back eons, some billions of years. "God" is the epitome of existence as postulated by ancient Ethiopian sages, savants, geniuses, who all were men and women descendants of ancient ancestor-star watchers. They sought an explanation for life, for the rhythms of being, based on the concurrence of stars' behavior, above, allied with nature's behavior, below, especially of the Nile river, and allied life activities flowing from its annual gentle alluvial flooding. Working with astronomy, biology, the Ethiopians, and their colonists , Egyptians, conceived geometry, physics, engineering, mathematics and all of the arts and sciences that were bequeathed to mankind, including writing, navigation, agriculture, medicine and religion. But the link to it all was "God" who made man, stars, nature, Nile and placed them together in the land, where all could coexist in peace; so ancient Ethiopia conceived, and brought forth their conception of "God." Their religious rituals were copied by other civilizations; but they acknowledged the Ethiopian source or home of the Gods in their own histories, mythologies, nativity.