Thursday, April 18, 2019


KNOWING THE TRUTH IS RESISTING LIES The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 tried, in vain, to deputize all individual American white men and Free States into becoming racist slave-catchers, nationally, whatever their politics, after that Act of 1793, and provisions in the Constitution, could not stem the outflows of tens of thousands of black peoples' escaping captivity. The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act also failed to do its job, like that of 1793 and the Constitution before it, as some white men like Gerrit Smith, John Brown, Levi Coffin, James Montgomery, in the South and in the North, resisted the usurping of their personal freedoms, politics, religious values by the federal law to recover slaveholders' "property." The "deputizing" of white men and States after the Civil War was 'lost', had to become more subtle, had to be more covert, to preserve white supremacy. It had to operate not openly, like white terrorism; but quietly upon hearts and minds, by lies and disinformation campaigns about black inferiority, in families, in pulpits and in schools. It is, it was, the "curse of Ham" in the Bible . It is, it was, the "lost cause" lament of "Gone With the Wind," of white men caricaturing blacks in their burlesque minstrel shows. It is, it was "Birth of a Nation" and the birth of the motion picture industry, with its sneering omissions of black people in history, local , state, national, international, ancient, and on stage in heroic roles, that was led by white women organizations. Through historical, educational and religious deputizing of our nation by lies, distortions, disinformation, the quieter approach succeeded in deputizing not only whites, but in deputizing many blacks, including black civil rights organizations, into believing and into accepting the myth of white supremacy and black inferiority; so much, they sought to "integrate into its burning house" of lies, as Dr. Martin Luther King said. Knowing the truth is resisting lies!