Monday, April 1, 2019


The killing of Los Angeles, California, rapper, Nipsey Hussle, yesterday,has brought forth prayers of hope. But hope is emotive; we need motive forces, who are funded, trained, disciplined, commanded, to counter the insurgent forces who destroy within us. Nipsey himself said much of the negative socialization comes from rap-music itself. Such motive forces were lacking during post-Civil War mayhem. Maybe now with more millionaires/billionaires' awareness motive forces may be able to manifest, in the body-politic ad/or outside of politics.In an interview last year with Forbes, Hussle said that as a youth, he'd fallen prey to the "ignorance and self-destructiveness in the narrative that was pushed on us through music in our generation." "I see how damaging that was, for myself included, and we're all subject to the social pressure," he said. "I wasn't above it. Each of us are impacted by what's going on around us. For me, understanding the platform I have and who it speaks to, it's about being strategic. ..."