Tuesday, December 2, 2014


YOUR DOLLAR AND MINE CAN DEFROCK VEILED PROPHETS One would think that by now, 2014, we, blacks, would enjoy all of the rights, privileges, benefits, and emoluments that are enjoyed by whites; this has been federal and state law since the 1870s. That we do not enjoy such evinces a disdain and a contempt for law and for us by the demonic economic rulers of the nation, and by their pseudo-political surrogates, and administrative wards. They pay no taxes, these top dogs, or disproportionately fewer than we, their workers. The regulations are written to enhance their profits. They are awarded government grants and contracts, to the exclusion of others. Tariffs, trade policy, mass media protects their identities, their inter-relationships and their bivouacs. We pledge allegiance to them as they wrap themselves inside the flag, and co-opt or imprison or kill-off threats. Think tanks, scholarly cabals, plus scores of university professors; and legions of: MBA's; accountants; lawyers; advertising, public relations firms, and investment advisers buffer them from harm and plot profitable pathways to the future. Civil and criminal power; military police, the armed forces, spies and 'analysts' are busily always at their beck and call. They are seemingly impervious; yet, the murder of Michael Brown, an 18-year black boy in Ferguson, Missouri, has defrocked these veiled prophets. We now see them as they are, for what they are: frauds, deceivers, liars and pretenders, they are. The mask has slipped and dropped. Their white shroud has come unraveled and their sickly nakedness has been revealed. The scandalous conduct of Robert McCulloch, St. Louis County Prosecutor, who threw the case against the never-arrested Darren Wilson, rather than risk his indictment by a perfunctory grand jury, was such a legal charade that his assistants cited old, incorrect, superseded law in its charge, to that grand jury, heedless of the consequences, and then crushed any inquiry respecting how that bad law related to later federal law, i.e., which was superior? This is the loose thread, the murder of Michael Brown, which, if clung to tenaciously, will unravel, despoiling despots, down to their corrupt core. Connected like the bones in Ezekiel's valley are: the police to the prosecutor; the prosecutor to the legislature; the legislature to the governor; the governor to the judges, cabinet, and attorney general; these are connected to the lobbyists; who are connected to the political operatives, who are connected to the money: banks, manufacturers, insurance, investment houses; distributors, transportation and warehousing, utilities, farming interests, and other private interests. At the bottom of it all is your dollar and mine. If you keep away your dollar and I keep away mine, their murderous maw will have no chaw in its rapacious jaw. So, justice is in your hands and in mine; that close. Keep your dollar nearby and watch them come begging, squirming, lying, apologizing; doing anything and everything to get your money and to divert your time from taking notice of their official and unofficial crimes against you and your 'equal' rights, privileges, benefits and emoluments