Monday, December 1, 2014


MORE THAN 'MAN' OR 'HUMAN' The "African Freedom War" is much broader and older than the American Civil War, 1861-1865, which was, historically, but one of the many and varied tentacles in its global reach, spanning many centuries, and climes. The initial problem with the "war" was that "Africans" did not recognize nor conceive of themselves as "Africans;" but, as members of disparate tribes or creeds or language groups. Thus, they did not perceive the existence of a 'war' on them, over them, or for them, being fought: since they were trading and bartering; while being dissolved slowly, and dismantled gradually: here a little, there a little. Meanwhile others, non-Africans, saw their African quarry as precious prey, saw them as they essentially were : vulnerable, black, strong, forthright, gullible, honest, ignorant of letters and guile; backwards technologically, scientifically, mathematically; and very superstitious, spiritual and religious. Many foreigners still do perceive Africans as such, today. By the time that the recognition of their 'lack' had dawned upon them, and of their 'Africanness,' such knowledge was way too late! They were already captives and being subjects of those who had usefully, successfully exploited their insidious weaknesses: their ignorance of self, history, science, and math, and arts and letters, and of their place in the new scheme of things on the earth. Even so they launched the Global "African Freedom War "as soon as they became conscious, cognizant of their condition of their subjugation. That war is still being waged now. Ironically, that very science and math and arts and letters, of which they were latterly ignorant, was their own African legacy, their creations, the tools, of their much-celebrated, legendary predecessors of Ethiopia, Nubia, Kemet--so widely heralded by the Greeks and the Jews--on the continent, of whom these latter day Africans were also woefully ignorant. I do not fault my forebears for their ignorance. Yet, I do encourage my peers in the present day to rise above and to reclaim their ancestral legacy. I love them all. They, who were of the first light, descended into the gloom of darkness for a season and for a reason. Those who invented time, in 4241 BC, with the world's first calendar in Africa, lost track of time itself, themselves. Those who had balanced head, hand, heart, and foot; along with male and female; along with sacred and secular, justice and mercy, slipped and fell into the dark, bruising their head, hand, heart, heel! And those who were shivering in the caves, in the dark, emerged into the latter light, into the sunlight of their now-warm season and their reason. Unto everything there is a season as surely as there is an "age of reason." The earth spins and revolves, relative to the solar system. Civilizations emerge, evolve, and devolve. Our forebears played their part, brilliantly, representatively, aboriginally. Now, their successors play their parts, brilliantly, representatively, presently. Fortunately, one greater than we, died on Calvary, to show us the ascendant beauty of harmony: within ourselves, our fellow man, nature, and God: the Creator of all that is, was, and ever shall be; world without end. Amen! Jesus the Christ, representatively walked the narrow pathway to eternal victory and to true human immortality. His life touched Asia (Bethlehem); Africa (Egypt), and Europe (Roman cross); as such, Jesus symbolized reconciliation. Jesus' life, death and resurrection both ended at, and also began at, the cross and resurrection. He both left us and stayed with us, saying: "Greater works than these can you do, for I go to my Father." And saying "I will be with you always even until the end of time ." And "you will know the truth and the truth will make you free." Learn to know the truth; know to learn the truth, Amen! That way, the way of a Jesus Christ rose above space, time, tribes, creeds, languages, and nations. That "way" is truth, love, patience, righteousness, understanding, spiritual cognizance of faith in God, and humility. Jesus taught that in giving, we also thereby receive. These relativistic principles are too deep for too many. Simplicity often is, especially since one must negotiate this earthly realm for one's ratable share of its resources to live! But, all things that exist, subsist, somehow. 'For the life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.' And we are more than man or human!