Friday, December 5, 2014


WHO IS 'WORTHY'? For far too long, black leaders have encouraged us to make ourselves "worthy" of fair treatment & equal citizenship from others, meaning the whites. While I agree with that notion as a general principle , even as a personal matter, such a requirement is for immigrants, not for native-born persons, who are citizens by reason of birth here, by Constitutional law. That thought came to mind, yet again, as I read this sentence : "He [Prince Hall] sought to have blacks make themselves 'worthy' persons and to have them accepted across the lines of arbitrary division on the basis of color, as equals in citizenship and community action." PRINCE HALL LIFE AND HIS LEGACY, by Charles H. Wesley (1983), p.109. 'Worthy' is as 'worthy' does. The Bible say, whatever we do, do it as though we were working for the Lord, not for human masters. Again, in Genesis 4:7, the Lord said to Cain, if you do well, you will also be accepted; but, if not, sin lies at the door seeking to master you . But you must master it. Consequently, in seeking to make ourselves 'worthy' of the white man, who is, himself, unworthy of us, we badly miss the point. Instead, we must try to raise the human conduct standard higher, that we might make ourselves 'worthy' of God, to God as stated in Gen.4:7, Colossians 3:23. Whites must do likewise, themselves. Thereby, both human and divine acceptance is assured! 'Worthy!'