Monday, December 8, 2014


The grand juries' "no true bills," and daily, taxpayer-supported, police murders of black men refute white liberals, who would personalize through themselves, the non-culpability of other whites for this domestic terror. They conveniently ignore history, customs, wages, laws, procedures, and other 'white' privileges used by local, county, state, federal governments, to bribe and to deputize noncontributory whites, like them and others, into becoming and remaining silent, inactive, accessories to murder, discrimination, after the fact. Individuals are not the issue here--American racism is; although, such 'liberals' vainly strive to make themselves the issue, by tacit interjection. It is the nation's murderous racism and its economic/political alienation of blacks that needs to end! Helping to advance that end is not best realized by commenting here, vapidly and securely, among racism and repression's historic victims! Go, instead, to the perpetrators of racist oppression and economic and political alienation--other whites; then/there tell them to "work together," to end racism, as blacks have done for decades, only to be tormented and disdained.