Tuesday, December 30, 2014


CELEBRATE NATURAL SIMILARITIES AND COMMONALITIES Yesterday, I read a quote from the late, great Stokely Carmichael which said that "politics proceeds from culture, which then turns around and defines culture." I have reflected upon that curious politics-culture turnabout since then. Culture is the soul and the soil of all. All things come from one's culture: politics, trade, family, education, religion, law, government, music, literature, athletics, ethics, bias etc. Nothing stands apart from culture. And each fruit of culture defines it, in turn, just like fruit defines each tree. Yet, the tree of culture is not free-standing. It, too, had its start, its antecedent, its predicate, its seed. That seed of the tree itself required soil, nutrition, air, water, light, to germinate, and to grow, consistent with its divinely ordered life-mission. A "divinely ordered life-mission" bespeaks a mysterious power, force, principle and purpose underlying all things, from the least to the greatest. That divinely ordered life-mission is seen, heard, felt, tasted, smelled, and intuited, continuously, in and outside of man, and on and outside of earth. This force, power, presence, has innumerable name and nuances, being infinite and infinitesimal; omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Some cultures call this unnameable essence "God," others prefer "Allah,"; "Yaweh"; "Jah"; etc. Whatever its name, it predates and precedes culture, politics and man. Indeed, they all and each proceed from its prior divine and natural order. So, Stokely's above quote, is limited by its context, which delimitation is circuitous and casuistical; meaning in attempting to resolve dynamics innate in (politics-culture) by self-reference, absent the preexistent and perpetual dynamics of the Creator or God which influences all is fake, vain. The task now for mankind and its burden is to transcend to overcome the confines and constraints of culture; and then to celebrate the natural commonalities and similarities from the One that made us all One.