Thursday, December 4, 2014


Focusing just on the police, misses the point, of who the true villains are. The American legal, political, and economic system promotes, protects, as designed, police, the militia, "slave-catchers," by law, custom, and economic rewards, whenever they squelch a 'slave revolts.,--be it a group or an individual,' as formerly.' The focus must now shift to state and national legislators and executives, to take away these rewards, immunities, privileges, perquisites, and incentives, in law. Police execute their policies, as first level functionaries, trained to attack on stimulus, like Pavlov's dog. They are so conditioned constantly and applauded. The NAACP'S "Journey for Justice" that is now marching to Jefferson City,from Ferguson--and being strategically ignored by the mass and social media-- must be supplemented in the remaining states, with marches on their capitols, especially Albany, New York. The purpose is not exercise, but to exorcise all legal demons imbeded in state statutes, rules, and regulations; and to be shed of bad judges and prosecutors who break the law, deviate from law, daily, where blacks are in it!