Tuesday, March 27, 2018


GOD AIN'T THRU WITH ME, YET! I confronted a dilemma in the 9th grade that I am still working with. My dilemma was what are you going to be when you grow up? At first, I wrote writer. Then, upon further reflection , I erased writer and wrote lawyer in its place. This dilemma yet pursues me at age 67. But, my stroke in 2010 terminated my law practice of 23 years. It also left me disabled physically, but yet mentally and spiritually replete. To assure that I had at least a minor publication credit, in the event of my premature death, in 2011, I self-published THE COLORED GREEN TREE, on Amazon.Com. But while it satisfied my urge to do something , it did not satisfy my scholastic nor aesthetic standards of excellence; nor my complete spiritual panoply! I feel blessed to have more work to do. I thank our Almighty God for the sacred opportunity to do this much, as much as I have, considering it all! Anyway, stay tuned! "God ain't thru with me yet," as the gospel goes!