Saturday, November 18, 2017


TRIBUTE TO OUR PARENTS When the ties that bind are broken, What once was bound is all loosed. Pairs and pairings of humankind, though common at times/places, are not exclusive. Nature finds a way to reproduce itself invariably, continuously, inevitably, mercifully. "Positrons," are "the antimatter complements of electrons," which are produced by "high-energy particles," like protons, "traveling across the galaxy can create pairs of positrons and electrons, when they interact with gas and dust in space," says Hao Zhou, at the Los Alamos National Lab (quote is from While the exact source of these protons or high-energy particles is unknown to science, some saying pulsars, others saying dark matter, I say that they all come from God. From the same source, God, my, our parents found each other and paired, thereby producing me and my seven younger siblings in the process, thus multiplying their fruit. When I grew up in the 1950s and '60s, two parents predominated in our black community and beyond, in the State of Missouri, St. Louis County, Kirkwood/Webster Groves. My late, dearly beloved, clean, wise resourceful, earthly father , Elvis Mitchell Coleman, our hero, provider, child of God, soldier, patriot, Protector, Democrat, barbecue King , Cardinals fan, Mississippi born, 1920-1998. Married to Margie Dean Coleman, my mother, 1950-1998; married Inez Carter, 1944-1946; prolific father of 8+2+1, kids at least. God graced us! Our divine angel, Mama, Margie Dean (Bailey) Coleman, 1931-2004, whose matrix was opened by me, unconsciously, on January 3, 1951, was a perfect match for our daddy. She loved the Lord, loved: learning, teaching, singing, sharing, worship, befriending, loving, visiting friends and relatives, sewing, and cooking. Both parents loved graduations as well, whether from preschool, high school, college or graduate school. They took pride in our academic interests, achievements, honors , in part, because neither of them were then able to graduate high school in Mississippi in the 1930s-'40s, so our graduations became theirs too! Love you much momma and daddy! Both are now gone; returned to the divine source from which they were sent, as with their forebears before them. So, too one day, must we all make the ultimate journey home to God, whether science has found it by then, or is still seeking but never finding, what momma and daddy always knew: "loosed in heaven is loosed on earth, bound in heaven is bound on earth" by God's grace!