Saturday, November 11, 2017


SEXUAL CACOPHONY The sexual cacophony swelling the daily news may be part-fueled by a more basic thermal, than conjugal coitus or sex. Its essence may be hormonal, beyond man, autonomic and therefore intrinsically spiritual. I stress "may be" due to my own lack of knowledge or evidence to sustain my hypothesis by testing. That said, I assert that the earliest gods were female. Today God is a male in the public imagination and in most religious ideation. Such is it in music, verse. But Neith was the earliest of the ancient Egyptian gods, and the Nubians' earliest was Amanitore a/k/a Isis an/or Maat. There was an androgynous fluidity in these divinities, female and male. So Osiris. Ra, Jehovah, Jesus to the extent that they typify man all began in mother of man, woman. Cyclically, typologically, we witness woman's renaissance, ascendency in the sexual cacophonous clamor.