Friday, November 17, 2017


"Sirius, the dog star, was worshiped as the goddess Sopdet from the earliest times; the helical rising of Sirius coincided with the start of the annual inundation of the Nile, and was celebrated as New Year's Day in the ancient Egyptian calendar." P.160, n. 6, WRITINGS OF ANCIENT EGYPT translated by Toby Wilkinson (2016) The fabled "North Star" that many African slaves followed North, from the South, when fleeing American slavery to Canada was the same bright star, "Sirius," that the ancient Egyptians revered as the herald of their New Year & annual Nile flood. Of "Sirius" it is said in "The Pyramid Texts:" "She is your guide on the goodly paths of heaven , in the Field of Reeds." This ancient Egyptian utterance also conforms to, comports with, with the African American fugitive slaves' cosmic experience in flight. P. 159, Writings from Ancient Egypt