Tuesday, October 24, 2017


AS CONGO GO, WE GO GO GO Earth is connected as never before, by cellphone, internet, computers, coltan. Therefore, disorder can no longer hide its derelictions from scrutiny. Neither can order remain forever aloof from its duty to rectify, to alleviate, that grave dereliction caused by these disorders. An idea has a very broad scope. It can multiply itself, by itself, to the uttermost dimensions conceivable. Conversely, ideas can reduce themselves by self-dividing into infinitesimal flashes. Execution of an idea in the Earth's material plane to redress disorder is in fact very problematic, difficult, being dependent upon necessary means: persons, places, things, environmental factors, all of which affect, qualify, quantify, an idea's redress process. Perhaps the current connections between persons, places, things, and nations, by the internet may hasten progress to an end in which disorder, such as Congo's woeful 500+ years of abscesses, can be cauterized, cleaned out; revived, and with its the people! Why Congo? It was from the "Congo" in 1441 at its southern Algarve port, "Lagos," that the Portuguese, the first European global explorers, had exported certain Congolese human exemplars (slaves), that they had extracted, for their King John I's royal retinue. This inaugurated the African slave trade in Europe, matching the Muslims' eastern African slave trade, which antedated Europe's by 600 years. Rounding the Cape Bojador in 1434, thought impassable, by Gil Eanes, its navigator opened it . To this very day in 2017, the exploitation of the Congo continues, unabated for the enrichment of Europe and now the world, as well, through its militias' murderous rampage for coltan, the rare metal that enables cellphones. Remarkably, "Congo," is again at the epicenter of global exploitation! Thus, it would seem that for African redemption , at least, resolution of the Congo abscesses by expeditious and efficacious means is a primary goal ! Those means, clearly include, rare metal coltan's cellphones, internet, computers, all of Congo extractions. As it was in the beginning, so it is once again, that the Congo enables the world to grow prosperous. Would that its own people may learn to grow so! As Congo go, we go! As Congo go, we go go go!