Tuesday, October 3, 2017


EARTHLY MERGERS While everything may begin or end, every existent need not always be a "thing" --like energy, gravity--thus, need not begin, nor end , just exist immaterially, incorporeally, always. At this indefinite point the material and spiritual merge in time-space; as do all concepts, precepts like philosophy, mathematics. Yet even within these inchoate ideals, as in all else, existent on earth, the opposite is always there. Falsehood shadows truth. Wickedness shadows perfection. Occult now, but open later. Day now, night later. The point being: ideals cannot remain static or stay satisfied with themselves upon the Earth, for there is, ever, always, that other: Out there, somewhere, seething, breathing, believing, seeking for its season to dominate and return. This too is part of our earthly fate, paternity, maternity. Evil does not forever escape good, no more than good forever escapes evil. "Every dog has its day," elders are prone to say, full of wisdom born of proven aphorisms or knowledge.