Wednesday, October 11, 2017


TRIPLE AMERICAN IRONIES! How ironic! Colin Kaepernick's "take a knee" protest, that recently inspired black athletes' protest, against judicially-legal, lethal police terrorism against their fellow, unarmed African American people; are all being most vehemently opposed in their exercise and expression of this sacred First Amendment right, by the administration of "dotard" Republican President Donald Trump, who is now himself, under several Congressional and criminal investigations for having allegedly collaborated with the Russians to steal our 2016 national elections, which elected him, by voter fraud! Treason is permitted; protest is not! This irony is further compounded by the mystery of why millionaire Stephen Paddock's plainly terrorist "bump stock"--aided, automatic weapons fired massacre of dozens of country music festival attendees from his suite's busted out window in Las Vegas, Nevada, Mandalay Hotel's 32nd floor and wounding of well over 500 others, is still not yet deemed to be an act of terrorism in accord with FBI approved criteria ! One further irony is the so-called "black identity extremist" label that the FBI itself, post-firing of James Comey, also by Donald Trump, has tagged any black protesters with, evocative of the FBI's COINTELPRO clandestine disruptions that were fatal to the Black Panther Party, and other self-help movements in the 1960s-'70s, while the FBI has neither been condemning nor even seemingly moving to disrupt true "white identity extremists" like the KKK and white supremacy killers! Triple signal ironies in the United States of America in October 2017!