Friday, August 11, 2017


WE ARE RUNNING NOTHING We humans perceive of ourselves as being separate and distinct. Yet we are, and we are not, separate and distinct. Instead, we are rather both infinitely small facets of the same gem, genus, energy, in an overwhelmingly fleeting, divine life. All six (or more) of our now-known senses funnel fluid, fuel, minerals, information, sensations, into our biophysical gustatory for further processing in accordance with commands and decrees that are beyond our ability to see, to feel , smell, hear, taste, intuit. They hum along without us, because of us , oblivious to us, yet as surely for us! We are but passengers, who are running nothing; but, who are being run, ourselves, by and for another. Our "births" on earth were specially sent here from within at least a million million million trillion other energetic frenetic genetic hermetic possibilities . But we are here; we at least perceive of ourselves as being here. This is good as it gets! If we did not deign to come here, of our own free will, and did not know that we were here until some time after we had arrived here, then it is as surely also true, we cannot ever know when we may leave here, nor where, if anywhere, from here, we may go! We are running nothing! Nothing are we running. Rather, we are being run, being run, as is all else that we can conceive-perceive around, above, below, or within us.