Monday, August 7, 2017


COLIN KAEPERNICK IS REV, DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.-LIKE The natural human reaction is to require "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth , a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot" for any like taking. Some would extend their exacting to anticipatory circumstances; from mere retaliation ratified in the Bible into those that are preemptive, a priori acts of political police power, contra "the least of these," black males of the mortal, fatal genre. Police have been authorized by federal courts to be preemptive in the use of deadly force, when they "fear for their lives" having lowered burdens of proof to the point that only another cop "on the scene" can question their reasonableness for using excessive force under law. Even the few prosecuted are more likely than not to be acquitted of any criminal or civil wrongdoing by a properly instructed jury of peers. These "instructions" bridle the jury, barring all unforeseen convictions. It is sardonic, barbaric, satanic . But, because federal courts must follow the U. S. Supreme Court in ruling on similar cases, they fall in line with the Supreme Court, those "conservative" authors of these covert, repugnant, repressive laws, that nullify the 13-15 Amendments to a greater extent than their usual snarky-cutting overlain in legalese. Now, former SF-49ers' quarterback Colin Kaepernick having famously deigned to protest this legal police brutality, lawful domestic terrorism against black Americans by meekly kneeling upon one knee, rather than to stand at attention during the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" --itself with racist lyrics--before his team football games is the target of unlawful restraint of trade conspiracy by NFL owners. Critics have contorted the protest by making it seem to be against the military. It is not. The police and the courts who immunize or empower the police; and the legislatures that reward police with vacation pay, and raises, following such acts, are among the prime objects of Colin's protest. Notice it is the military not the police who are lauded, feted, applauded by the principal powers that be at profitable, propaganda-savvy football, baseball, basketball games. This is to disguise evil acts. In fact, Colin Kaepernick's meek "exactions" have been so modest, so demurring, that certain other "super masculine menials" (to quote Eldridge Cleaver), ought to be ashamed of their spineless selves for saying anything negative, about Colin's defiance of unjust laws and murders! That certain athletes would be so bold, and so socially backwards, as to criticize the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.-like solemn patriotism of Kaepernick, simply shows how aptly the phrase , super masculine menial from the classic, SOUL ON ICE of 1968, retains its tenor, into 2017!