Friday, August 18, 2017


ECLIPSICALLY AMUSING MYSELF The Moon 🌙 is orbiting 239,000 miles away from Earth 🌏. The Sun ☀️ is orbited by Earth 1 times per year. The sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Every 18 months there is an eclipse on Earth 🌏 between the two: moon and sun with Earth. In it, the moon seems to black the sun and its sunlight from the Earth in whole or in part, depending upon where one is located on the Earth. All three bodies are suspended in space along with other bodies of all kinds and are moving at speeds of all kinds, each being less than the speed of light, somehow, in relation to that Source of their suspension and speeds, and in relation to each other's suspensions, orbits, speed. That same Source that regulates the suspensions and speeds of all bodies, relationally, regulates the 18 month eclipses of Moon, Sun, and Earth, relationally, and us too. Why 18 months? Why 9 months?…/imagegallery/image_feature_538.html