Thursday, August 17, 2017


READING IS ENRICHING Reading but not understanding is discouraging and intimidating. In due course, one will stop reading. That is a very bad move. Your not reading, nor understanding, locks away from you those vast treasures of wisdom , knowledge, literature , experience, information, poetry, or power, that had been purposefully prepared for you or for readers like you. These priceless gems , jewels have been written, read, gathered, organized, synthesized by others, who may be living now or who lived much earlier, perhaps thousands of years earlier, expressly for you to read, to use, enjoy, to be edified by. Rule 1. Read at your own pace. Do not rush through your reading, nor your reasoning. Reasoning works quietly in the background weighing, assaying, what is being read, with your prior knowledge, values, and experiences. Read like you eat or drink or breathe, evenly, regularly. Rule 2. Look up word meanings that you do not know in a good dictionary. English is, relatively speaking, a young language. It is still growing. There are well over 500,000 words in good English dictionaries and the numbers grow! You may have to circle or underline the words, if you are able to gather from context what is meant by it. But, please come back! Make that gem, that jewel, your own property! Rule 3. Understand what you are reading, while you are reading it. This means that you must read for your comprehension! Re-reading increases everyone's compression! This means being able to put into your own words what you have just read, while you are reading it. Then, you will have mastered it! Your own words engage your unique logical, deduction, expression, processes. Like digesting food translates your food into energy that powers every aspect of your mind, body and soul that you must use, you must have, to survive, to grow, thrive, so does reading and understanding for you.