Saturday, August 19, 2017


GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF IT To get to the bottom of something one must dig deeply into its history, its foundation; where its bottom is. In African American heritage, the woeful tendency is to begin with slavery, its American foundation , but not its true African foundation. The American foundation only goes back to the 16th century with the Spanish, Portuguese, and the 17th century foundation with the Dutch, French, English, Danes, Swedes. The African foundation, however, goes back to man, himself, untold tens of thousands of years earlier, when there was a Yellow Nile (now dry) draining from a then-effluvial Sahara Desert in Chad into Nubia (Sudan), where it joined the Blue and White Niles. Along the Nile are to be found the true beginnings at a bottom of African civilization and world civilization, all of which it flowered.