Tuesday, August 15, 2017


NAACP MISSOURI TRAVEL ADVISORY I am pleased to read that the state and national NAACP travel advisory that was issued for Missouri is working! Rumblings of protests are coming in from the tourist and hospitality sectors or their agents of the Missouri economy. this testifies o its efficacy! Something good needed to happen here for us! Our Missouri legislature and governor are both Donald Trump-Republicans, They have been downright disdainful; in fact, scornful of black folks' interests!. Our state officials had ordered the arrests of a bunch of preachers, from all over Missouri last year,(2016), who traveled by buses to Jefferson City to pray and to protest about and against unfair health care policies. These preachers went to trial in "Jeff" earlier this year and made plea deals to avoid jail. Attorney Rod Nimrod Chapel, President of the state NAACP,was evidently the one who CONCEIVED the absolutely brilliant idea for the "travel advisory," after his microphone was cut off while he was testifying against less favorable amendments to a civil rights statute. .I know that pre-amended statute well. I had filed a number of successful lawsuits under it, while actively practicing law, to avoid using the harsher federal law--Title VII--, and appearing before the far more "conservative" (wink) federal judges who used to almost automatically grant summary judgment--judgment without a trial-- to corporate or institutional defendants, who had discriminated against my poor, impoverished, usually-black or Hispanic, clients. Thanks, NAACP! The travel advisory could as well have been issued for any of the lower 48 lower states of the United States, in addition to Missouri. So what! it is here. and justly reciprocates blow-for-blow for pain.