Friday, April 7, 2017


President Donald Trump lies so much, we don't know who gassed the Syrians, or if it was done by Assad, as Trump claimed, how can we believe him? Why was not Assad himself targeted, instead of some air base, exclusively? 60 missiles is more than a warning and what may be the repercussions of this attack! Obviously, there was no Congressional authorization that preceded the attack. Remember Saddam Hussein's so-called "Weapons of Mass Destruction lie" led to the invasion of Iraq, to the fall of Saddam, deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, including Americans, maiming of many more people, physically and psychologically, including Americans. It also produced Al-Qada and ISIS. George Bush Sr. and George Bush, Jr.'s decisions were typical of the belligerent cover afforded here , by the unfortunate death and injury to Syrians, whom we would like better dead than alive to migrate!