Wednesday, April 12, 2017


SUBLIMATION FOR ALL WHO CALL How easily does impiety become piety; incivility, civility; impropriety, propriety; in the fabulous mythological, allegorical fictions imagined for scripted movies, film, television, video, romance novels, books. Would that injustice were as easily sublimated, as easily made justice; depravity, probity; iniquity, equity; poverty, plenty, in real physical life ! The sublimation into the latter lives would doubtless be deemed to be subversive to established order, as not being fiction but formative , not being consumptive but redemptive, were it not also as natural as evaporation, as respiration, as rejuvenation, as resurrection. Sublimation: it may alienate those who separate spiritual from material as though they were exclusive of each other! As natural as sunshine, as moonlight as inhalation, as exhalation, is sublimation and its multiple siblings: denominations of change. Indeed, there are they who now give brazen displays of luxury or waste; favor few over many; rich over poor; look upon basic wants , as if persons who want have "sinned." Do this to those that hoard, lie , hide, cheat, steal, rob, kill; who abase by: law, arms, deceit. With God nothing is impossible; one can do anything that one sets one's mind, body, spirit to do, history, science and math all show. Disciplines thus far discerned prove to those who dared to know these truths that: by sublimation, by exponentiation, by love, all things are possible with God. Open to all who call, who search, are these divine gifts, waiting. Sublimate your slime to sublime! Evaporate. Resuscitate. Rejuvenate. Resurrect. Sublimate.