Wednesday, April 5, 2017


PINIONED AND PLUCKED? If President Donald Trump were merely incompetent there would be no need for the FBI, House, Senate investigations into allegations of his ties to the Russians. Incompetence needs no investigation , at least there was none involving Bushes or Reagan. It would seem that more is at stake here like treason or worse: regime-changing American political power capitulation, itself, as a fait accompli, a/k/a, an elected junta! We know regime change, having pursued it under the Monroe Doctrine without compunction in the Americas from Mexico on down! But we thought we were immunized. Bullet-proof . Safe. So thought Rome, until Hannibal Barca of Carthage , North Africa, crossed the Alps, with elephants and armies, never before crossed! So worse than treason is dissolving the nation in place under the guise of politics, pursuant to executive orders; not legislation, but tweets! Incompetence is the least of our worries. So is treason. We may have already been pinioned and plucked, blithely, blindly, coolly, by those few international billionaire Russian creditors of Donald Trump!