Tuesday, April 4, 2017


"13% of Black Churches and Dr. King" An article that I read recently claimed that a mere 13% of black churches had supported the civil rights movement led by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose assassination was 49 years ago today, April 4, 1968, in Memphis Tennessee, at the Lorraine Motel. I do not know if this article is true or not; nor how its information was derived and verified, nor by whom. But, assuming its truth for present purposes , I must say that 13% is a substantial number of people who were aligned with the redemptive methodology of massive nonviolent civil disobedience to racism pursued by Dr. King, his Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and other allied persons and groups . One need but consider that relative to a river, fish compose less than 13% of its mass, which is mostly water. In the world's oceans, that percentage of fish to mass is even less. But for the water, there would be no fish in salt water nor in fresh water. So, rather than condemning the alleged 87% of the churches who were allegedly inactive in the movement of that era, I applaud their church members for supporting, for sustaining, the many fish who fought for freedom, a yet fight for freedom! UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG